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Bus Routes Serving Stirling Corner
107 - 292 - 384 - 606 - 614 - 644
New Barnet Station, New Barnet Station Station Road, Station Road, Barnet Hill, High Barnet Station, Queen Elizabeth's Girls' School, Barnet Church, Wood Street, Barnet Hospital Wood Street, Arkley Hotel, Barnet Road, Stirling Corner Barnet Road, Stirling Corner Barnet Way, Ashley Drive, Balmoral Drive, Warwick Road, Elstree Way, Oaklands College, Borehamwood Library, Hertsmere Council Offices, Borehamwood Tesco, Shenley Road, Elstree & Borehamwood Station, Allum Way, Elstree High Street, Elstree Hill South, Centennial Business Park, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Brockley Hill, Canons Corner, Spur Road London Acadamy, Edgware Way, Edgwarebury Lane, Edgware Station.
Borehamwood Rossington Avenue/Weatherby Road, Rossington Avenue, Aycliffe Road, Leeming Road, Gateshead Road, Theobald Street, Borehamwood Shopping Park, The Grove Medical Centre, Elstree & Borehamwood Station, Shenley Road, Borehamwood Tesco, Hertsmere Council Offices, Borehamwood Library, Elstree Way, Oaklands College, Manor Way, Cranes Way, Furzehill Road, Stirling Corner Barnet Lane, Barnet Way, Apex Corner, Selvage Lane, Hale Lane, Edgware Library, Edgware Station, High Street Edgware, Edgware Community Hospital, Oak Lodge Medical Centre, Burnt Oak Broadway, Colindale ASDA.
PLEASE NOTE: Revised route from 29th August 2020.
Cockfosters Station, Mount Pleasant, Edgeworth Road, Park Road, Baring Road, (JCoSS School, Westbrook Terrace, Lawton Road (loop served in this direction only)), Baring Road, Park Road, Victoria Road, New Barnet Station Road, Station Road, Barnet Hill, High Barnet Station, Queen Elizabeth's Girls' School, Barnet Church, Barnet The Spires Shopping Centre, (Barnet Library, Stafford Road, Alston Road (towards Edgware)/Salisbury Road (towards Cockfosters)), The Avenue, Wood Street, Barnet Hospital, Trinder Road, Whitings Road, Quinta Drive, Barnet Quinta Drive/Aitken Road, Quinta Drive, Barnet Road, Stirling Corner Barnet Road, Barnet Way, Apex Corner, Selvage Lane, Hale Lane, Edgware Library, Edgware Station.
Queensbury Station, Mollison Way, Bob Lawrence Library, Mollison Way, Burnt Oak Broadway, Oak Lodge Medical Centre, Edgware Community Hospital, High Street Edgware, Edgware Station, Edgwarebury Lane, Edgware Way, Apex Corner, Barnet Way, Stirling Corner, Barnet Road, Arkley Hotel, Barnet Hospital Wood Street, Wood Street, Barnet Church, Queen Elizabeth's Girls' School, High Barnet Station, Barnet Hill, Barnet Lane, The Totteridge Academy
Schooldays. Two journeys to The Totteridge Academy in the morning, returning in the afternoon.
Hatfield Station, French Horn Lane, Wellfield Road, (Hatfield Business Park Trident Place (Monday to Friday peak hours, towards Queensbury during the afternoon peak and towards Hatfield Station during the afternoon peak)), Hatfield Avenue, Hatfield Buisiness Park Bus Garage, Hatfield Business Park T Mobile, Mosquito Way, Hatfield The Galleria, (College Lane, Hatfield University College Lane Campus, Roehyde Way (Mondays to Fridays)/Bishops Rise, South Hatfield Bishops Rise (Saturdays)), then non-stop via A1(M) Motorway, Dancers Hill Green Dragon, St Albans Road, Barnet The Spires Shopping Centre, Barnet Library, Wood Street, Barnet Hospital Wood Street, Arkley Hotel, Barnet Road, Stirling Corner, Barnet Way, Apex Corner, Edgware Way, Edgwarebury Lane, Edgware Station, High Street Edgware, Egware Community Hospital, Oak Lodge Medical Centre, Burnt Oak Broadway, Mollison Way, Queensbury Station.
Mondays to Saturdays. No late evening Saturday service.
Hatfield Station, French Horn Lane, Wellfield Road, (Hatfield Business Park Trident Place (Monday to Friday peak hours, towards Queensbury during the afternoon peak and towards Hatfield Station during the afternoon peak)), Hatfield Avenue, Hatfield Buisiness Park Bus Garage, Hatfield Business Park T Mobile, Mosquito Way, Hatfield The Galleria, (College Lane, Hatfield University College Lane Campus, Roehyde Way (Mondays to Fridays)/Bishops Rise, South Hatfield Bishops Rise (Saturdays)), then non-stop via A1(M) Motorway, Elstree Way, Oaklands College, Borehamwood Library, Hertsmere Council Offices, Borehamwood Tesco, Shenley Road, Furzehill Road, Stirling Corner, Barnet Way, Apex Corner, Edgware Way, Edgwarebury Lane, Edgware Station, High Street Edgware, Egware Community Hospital, Oak Lodge Medical Centre, Burnt Oak Broadway, Mollison Way, Queensbury Station.
Monday to Friday peaks only.
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