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Bus Timetables

Click on the links below to view the listing
1 to 100
101 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 600
601 to 700
701 to 999
A10 to K10
P4 to X68
Mobility Bus
(900 series)

MOST RECENT UPDATE: (General tipy-up of the page

Timetables for all bus routes in the London area can be found by using the links on the left. Routes on these pages are listed in numerical order (or alphapetical order for letter prefixed routes), except for the Night Bus page where all 24-hour and N-prefix routes are listed in number order, whether prefixed or not. Routes run by TFL are shown in red text, non-TFL controlled routes are shown in green text.

A handful of the HTML format timetables listed are hosted on this site. All other TFL controlled routes are listed courtesey of the London Bus Routes website. PDF versions of all TFL routes are also available on the London Bus Routes website. Timetables for non TFL controlled routes are linked to on the operators or relevant County Councils website homepage where you will be able to click through to the relevant timetables.

A list of timetable sources is provided in the acknowledgements section on the right. Special thanks go to London Bus Routes with whose help many timetables were made available in the early 2000’s.

Old versions of timetables
Previous HTM timetables are available at the Timetable Graveyard. These timetables have either been available through this website or at London Bus Routes and mostly go back to about 2004. Old HTML copies of 900 series (Mobility Bus) route timetables will be available on our site shortly.

Many of the timetables contained within this section are PDF Files. These are denoted by an * beside the link. To view these, you will need to have Acrobat Reader. You can download this here.


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